What We Believe

At Bold Worship, we believe we were created to live in and enjoy a deep, intimate, personal relationship with the God of the universe. It’s an unimaginable privilege and gift that is available to each and every one of us.

And the truly amazing part is that this is His idea! This is His desire! It’s even His name – Emmanuel, God with us! (Matthew 1:23)

This relationship begins with believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and accepting Him as Savior and Lord. (To read more about this, click here) But that is only the beginning!

The importance of a relationship with God

Having chosen to become a follower of Christ, the most important thing a person can do is pursue an intimate relationship with Him. Everything else you will ever do or become in your Christian life flows from this relationship.

This is not to say that good works are not important. They are! We were created by God to do good works. There is a dignity God intends for us to enjoy as we participate in the work of His kingdom.

But works without a personal relationship with the Father will fail. They will be false. They will lack the power of God that is required for them to be good. (John 15:1-5)

The power and the boldness needed to become an effective and fruitful follower of Jesus in this world comes primarily from being with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)

As you spend time with Jesus, this personal relationship begins to develop and deepen. As your relationship grows, you will find you are being changed, that you are becoming more and more like Jesus through the work of the Father. (Romans 8:29; Philippians 1:6)

How to develop this relationship

The goal of Bold Worship is to help you develop this relationship with the Father by providing you with tools and teachings that will help you:

  • Understand why this relationship is God’s will for your life;
  • Learn the habits and practices Jesus encouraged in the lives of His followers;
  • Build these habits and practices into your own spiritual walk so you  will become the follower of Jesus you were created to be.

We will see how much God loves us, wants to be with us, and all He has done to make this possible.

We will study the words of Jesus and learn how He taught His disciples to be world-changing followers of Christ.

We will take those habits and practices Jesus shared with His disciples and build them into our own lives.

Follow Me

The first tool produced by Bold Worship to meet this goal is Follow Me – Learning to Walk in the Ways of Jesus. Follow Me is 30 days of teachings, exercises, and devotionals to help you become the follower of Jesus you were meant to be. This course will help you:

  • Develop intimacy with God;
  • Learn how to pray and what to pray about;
  • Develop a love for the Bible and its place in your life;
  • Find a church home and understand your role in it.

This course is completely self-guided. You can complete the lessons at your own pace and utilizing the manner of study that works best for you. You can go back and repeat lessons at any time, and you can skip ahead if you see a topic of particular interest to you.

In addition, this course is completely free! It is our gift to you as a follower of Jesus.

Are you ready?

If Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of your life, and you agree that a deep, personal relationship with God is the primary purpose of every follower of Christ, we pray you will join us here at Bold Worship.

Join us as we follow Jesus into a deeper and more personal relationship with the Father. Join us as we learn to allow God to change us into the image of His Son. And join us as we follow Him in doing the work of the kingdom of God He has created for us to do.

If you’re ready to begin, click here to begin your free 30 day course.