What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus?

When Jesus began His ministry on earth, one of the first things He did was to invite others to join Him.
He often did this with a simple invitation: “Follow Me.”
In Jesus’ day, to be a follower meant to stop what you were doing and walk with Him as He taught and healed and blessed the people.
To be a follower of Jesus today means to listen to His words, to understand His instructions, and to obey the things He taught us.
So what are the words of Jesus, these instructions He asks us to build our lives on?
The words of Jesus
Jesus taught His disciples many things during the three years of His ministry on earth. Maybe the most important of these were the things He taught us about God.
He taught that there is a God in heaven who created everything: the earth, the universe, and you.

And that, far from being some distant and uninterested deity, God is a loving, caring Father who is completely devoted to His creation. He is interested in His children – in us, in you – and wants a personal relationship with you.
He taught that God loves you, thinks about you, and cares about you deeply.
You might be thinking, “If God knew what I’ve done in my life, He wouldn’t want a relationship with me.”
Many feel this way. They feel they have done too many bad things for God to love them. They think it’s too late for them.
But it is not too late for you!
God knows you. He knows all about you. Everything you’ve done and haven’t done. You couldn’t tell God anything about yourself that would surprise Him.
And still He loves you. In spite of the mistakes you’ve made or the harm you think you’ve caused, He loves you exactly the way you are right now.
We all have done wrong, and God knows it. The Bible says in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
God loves us so much…
God knows we need His help to become the people He created us to be. That is why Jesus came to earth.

John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
God knows we aren’t strong enough or smart enough or good enough to escape our sin and get to Him. He knows we can’t save ourselves. So He came to us.
God sent His Son Jesus to earth to live a sinless life and then die on a cross in order to pay the price of our sin. He did this so we could have a way to come to God, to be in relationship with Him.
Then God raised Jesus from the dead so that one day we all could be raised from physical death and live forever with Him.
This is where following Jesus starts
So the first step in following Jesus is to believe these things:
- God loves me, just the way I am right now;
- Because I am a sinner and have done wrong, I need God’s help to be made right with Him;
- God sent Jesus to be the help I need by dying on the cross to pay the price for my sin and the sin of the world.
If you believe these things, you are ready to accept God’s gift of grace by asking Him to forgive you of your sin and make you a part of His family.
This is what Jesus is inviting you to when He says, “Follow Me.” He hopes you will accept His invitation.
What should I do now?

If you are ready to accept Jesus’ invitation and follow Him, simply pray this prayer to God:
“Father, I believe You can hear me right now, and I believe You love me.
I know I have made mistakes and bad choices in my life, and that these have hurt You and those around me. I’m sorry, and I ask that You forgive me.
I believe that You sent Your Son Jesus to earth so He could pay the price for my sin, and that if I believe in Him I will not perish but have eternal life with You.
I accept Your gift of forgiveness, and I believe You have forgiven me and have made me a part of Your family.
Thank You, Father!
In Jesus’ name,
Does this make me a part of God’s family?

Yes! Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Believing in Jesus and accepting His gift of grace is all God requires for you to be a part of His family. You have taken the first step as a follower of Jesus.
Welcome to God’s family!
Next steps
Now that you have taken the first step as a follower of Christ, you might be wondering what to do next. We’d like to help!
Find out the next steps that will help you become the follower of Jesus you were created to be!