How to develop intimacy with God

What should I do now?

If the reason we exist is to live in a loving, personal relationship with God, and if this relationship is His idea and desire, what should we do to begin developing this relationship with God?

Say yes to His gift of salvation

First, say yes to His invitation to an intimate, personal relationship with Him. Agree with Him that this is His purpose for you, the very reason He brought you into existence. And this begins with salvation, with accepting His gift of grace made possible by Jesus’ death on the cross. If you are not sure if you have accepted His gift, click here to learn more.

Developing intimacy with God

The next step is to simply begin spending time with Jesus every day. Here are the things you will need to think about:

  • Plan this time and put it in your calendar;
  • Decide where you will spend this time with Jesus;
  • Think about what you will do with this time.

Planning your time

The first thing you need to do is plan this time with Jesus. Put it in your calendar and protect it. It is the most important meeting on your schedule! Begin with an amount of time you can work into your schedule and do daily. 10 or 15 minutes each day is a good start. Give yourself some grace here and don’t judge yourself or compare yourself to others.

Decide where

Decide where you will spend this time with Jesus. Find a place where you can be alone and undisturbed. I know it’s harder than ever to eliminate distractions, but it’s important. If you can do this in a place in your home, then do that. If you need to leave the house and go for a walk (this is my personal preference), then do that. Just find what works for you.

Think about what you will do

What should you do during your time with Jesus? We will have much more to say about this in upcoming posts. But for now, just be with Him and talk to Him. Tell Him what’s on your heart and on your mind. God doesn’t have a checklist. You don’t need one, either.

Begin spending time with Jesus

Developing a close, intimate relationship with God is the beginning of becoming a follower of Jesus. Everything else you ever do as a believer finds its source in this relationship. I’m praying that you begin to experience this truth today!

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