Bold Worship Blog – Start Here

Welcome to the Bold Worship Blog!

The Bold Worship Blog is the place where we will share short discussions on how to better follow Jesus. It will feature topics that can help each one of us in our relationship with the Lord. These topics will include developing intimacy with God, prayer, worship, Bible study, and more.

Bold Worship Blog

I’m starting from scratch in this Blog, so you’re truly getting in on the ground floor. It won’t be long before these pages are filled with posts – all designed to help you love Jesus more and walk closely with Him.

Please use the Comments feature at the end of each post to let me know what you think. Tell me your thoughts on the post, what your experience has been, how you’ve solved a problem or grown deeper in your relationship with God. Together we can build a community of believers dedicated to loving Jesus and walking with Him every day.

Be blessed!