What is intimacy with God?

What is intimacy with God?

Why were we created? Why do we exist? This is a question man has tried to answer since the beginning of time.

Man looking into a starry sky.

The answer is this: you were created by God to live a life in love with Him. A deeply personal, intimate, caring, nurturing, and affirming relationship with the God of the universe, the God of all creation.

Intimacy with God is what we were created for. It is our reason, our purpose for living. There is nothing you can do with your life, no goal you can achieve, no height of personal success you can attain, that can compare to the privilege, the honor, and the ultimate satisfaction of a life lived in a daily love relationship with God.

Intimacy with God is His idea.

Paul tells us in his letter to the Ephesians, “Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ…” (Ephesians 1:4)

Do you see what Paul said? Before God made the world, before His first act of creation, God loved us. He loved you! And He chose you to be His child, to be with Him, to walk with Him, and to love and enjoy Him just as He loves and enjoys you.

Also, see this: intimacy with the God of the universe is His idea. It is His desire. Amazing!

God did not create you because He needed workers. He created you because He wanted sons and daughters with whom He could share His love, with whom He could share Himself.

Jesus didn’t come to earth and die on the cross because He needed servants. He died because of His great love for us and His desire to rescue us from the sin that had captured us, and to restore us to a loving relationship with God.

What was lost in Eden He came to redeem and restore. He delivered us from the domain of darkness and made us a part of His kingdom (Colossians 1:13).

It is God who pursues us

In his book Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby writes, “He (God) is the One who pursues the love relationship with us. We do not naturally seek God on our own initiative. Everything we are experiencing from God comes in response to His invitation.”

It is God who pursues us. He created us because He loves us and wants us to experience all that He is. When sin broke that relationship, He did everything that was necessary to restore it and make it possible for us to be with Him once again.